A Simple Tool for Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Nicole Kraft
A Simple Tool for Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Nicole Kraft
October 07, 2016

An easy way to track how your blood sugar is affected by what you’re eating is to simply pay attention to how you feel for one to three hours after eating. For example, if you feel satiated with no sugar cravings after a meal and lack the desire for snacking, you’ve likely achieved the correct Fat-to-Carbohydrate ratio that is ideal for you. On the other hand, if you feel physically full, but still hungry or have a craving for sweets after your meal, you may need to adjust this ratio going forward so that you’re not spiking your blood sugar and then crashing.
Below is a chart taken from the Restart program that you can use as a guide to help you experiment with and tweak your own Fat-to-Carbohydrate Ratio. A good place to start is 30% Fat, 30% Protein and 40% Unrefined Carbs (mostly non-starchy vegetables). How does this translate to a plate of food? It would mean about half to 2/3 of your plate is filled with vegetables, your entire meal contains about 2-4 tbsp. of healthy fat with about 1-2 palm-sized protein sources depending on your size and activity level and personal metabolic rate.

The practice of noticing what you do and how it affects you (without judging yourself) can help you refine how to move forward and experience more energy vitality throughout the day. When you can separate yourself from your actions and just observe, you can see things you’ve never noticed before.