Supportive Self-care for Spring Fever by Jenn Gallucci
Supportive Self-care for Spring Fever by Jenn Gallucci
March 28, 2017
Do you ever feel that excess, distracted energy that comes with the change from Winter hibernation to Spring emergence?
While some literally get runny noses, watery eyes, and phlegmy coughs as they thaw out from the winter, I often feel out of balance, overflowing, agitated, uncomfortable in my clothes, like I need to shed my old skin. This is what Spring Fever feels like for me. I tend to want to shake things up, just like the wind kicking up outside and the interchangeable Spring weather. So I do (shake things up). I check in with my routines, my activities, my diet, my relationships, and my environment. I purposely mimic the changes outside by creating changes inside. I follow wise Mother Nature’s lead.
Most religions have a fast of some kind at the beginning of Spring. After the winter months of slowing down, staying warm inside, eating rich, heavier foods, and celebrating with sweets and alcohol, our ancestors knew it was time to cleanse our bodies, to release the excess, old, pent up energies.
Every year at this time my body is begging me to change my dietary routines.
One habit I always change is coffee. My body wants a break. I switch to black tea, green tea, dandelion tea (for liver), nettle tea (for allergies, kidneys), ginger tea (for digestion). Tea feels different in my body than coffee. Lighter. I wake up no longer needing the caffeine after a while and that feels good. Once a week or so I might enjoy a coffee drink at a cafe but I don’t feel addicted to it anymore. It’s purely for pleasure or spending time with a friend.
Here are a few other changes I make in my diet that help to balance me out:
- I start my day with hot water with lemon to stimulate elimination.
- I drink warm water throughout the day with a little honey.
- I add in bitter (arugula, dandelion), pungent (radish) and astringent (grapefruit) to cleanse the liver, digestive organs, and blood.
- I eliminate coffee, sugar, alcohol, and dairy products as much as I can. I’m not punitive here. My body naturally wants this change to occur. If I focus on adding in the other tastes, these four tend to fall away more easily.
- Lots of veggies!!!
- Smaller meals at dinner time, larger at mid-day.
- Juicing rather than smoothies. Less cold things.
Take probiotics for digestion and immunity. Fire cider is a great way to do this and builds digestive fire.
When I get that distracted, ants in my pants, desire to shed my skin feeling, I channel that excess energy by getting outside, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the rain, sun, wind on my body.
Here are some other ideas to physically balance out Spring energy:
- More vigorous exercise: sweaty yoga classes, longer walks, running, biking.
- Turn yourself upside down. If inversions are in your yoga practice this is a good time to see things from a new perspective.
- Getting your hands in the dirt is great for grounding yourself. Get your garden ready for planting and the first seeds in the ground at this time. If you don’t have a garden, you can pot some flowers, or buy new houseplants (which will help cleanse the air in your house).
- Dry brushing to stimulate heat, improve lymphatic circulation, fluid balance and healthy supple skin. Shedding your skin, so to speak.
Finally, shake out your routines, shake out your rugs! Stimulation is great to balance out the end-of-winter lethargy.
If you suffer from distraction, bring more focus with these suggestions:
- Give away your excess. Recycle all those piles of papers. Rearrange the furniture. Make room for new fresh energy to come into your life.
- Open the windows and doors as the temperature rises again and air out the house.
- Clean out the refrigerator (note to self).
- Amp up your meditation practice or begin one. Connecting to your breath each day will help you feel centered during this ever-changing season. You’ll feel more able to flow with life’s uncertainties.
- Begin a new class, start a new project, travel. Put the excess energy into good use.
- Set new intentions (dream seeds), socialize, play, invite lightheartedness into your days.
When we clear out the old, stagnant energy left over from Winter we can handle the influx of abundance, creativity, and fresh, flirty energy of Spring.
We can feel grounded by going with the flow. Holding onto the old energy backs us up in many ways, causing frustration and constipation. Sometimes we have to literally turn our routines upside down and shake them up to feel in pace with all that’s flowing, sprouting, and blossoming outside.
Jenn Gallucci is passionate about women taking care of themselves and leading fulfilling creative lives. Jenn helps her clients develop self-care practices, re-discover what lights them up, find time for activities that nourish them, and take action towards their goals so they can show up fully for themselves and their families. You can find out more about her and what she offers at