The Art of Sankalpa by Jenna McDonald
The Art of Sankalpa (Mixing Desire with Mental Resolve) : More about the Conditions, less about determination. You cannot transmit wisdom and insight to another person. The seed is already there. A good teacher touches that seed, allowing it to wake-up, to sprout, to grow. - Thich Nhat Hanh Every New Year there is a marker of time that encourages us to step into a new space internally as well as externally. We have come to understand the New Year as a time ripe with the potential of an un-germinated seed. If you glean one thing from this article, I hope it is this: Your Internal World (the mental-emotional-spiritual self) is the Soil in which your Sankalpa- desire and resolve to re-create your reality will either thrive or perish. Notice your Soil. No need to shame your soil, just feel it. Own it. Amend if needed. Sankalpa by Sanskrit definition is an array of things. Meaning it is a mutable. multi-layered term. It can be considered first and foremost a “True Desire” - a desire that moves you to action. Be it in repetitive thought-action or in your 3-D physical reality type of action. Beyond that it is a Decision -which by its nature is exclusive and one-pointed (requiring sustained focus - the “hard” part). If both of those conditions are fulfilled (if the mind is capable of focusing) then, and only then, is the SOIL of the Mind prepared - and your Sankalpa (desire based decision) morphs into a Mental Resolve. Why is this important to know moving into 2017? Because a Mental Resolve is THE most powerful force in Creation. Once you really FEEL this truth take root and change your day to day experience - it’s a No-U-Turn. Magic, Synchronicity and Joy are INEVITABLE. * Please note that suffering is always a part of our humanity and I am not suggesting you over-ride any feeling, but that you take up a second practice as described below :) So, If you are interested in more Magic, Synchronicity and Joy in 2017 may I suggest 3 Steps to Creating a Life that Matches who you REALLY ARE with the Art of Sankalpa.- Find a Practice NOW that builds mental focus and single pointedness. My personal favorites: Prayer, Chant, Stream of Consciousness Writing, Candle gazing (for even 2 minutes) or sustainable meditation. *If meditation feel like a goal in itself, don’t make that your mental focus practice.
- Get Clear on your TRUE desires. In order to do vision boarding pls. Take note of BOTH what is painful AND joyful in your life. What are these true feelings trying to tell you about WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? Don’t underestimate the power or depth of pain as a teacher.
- Make a Decision for the New Year. What are you going to do differently?, How much money do you want to make annually?, where do you want to live?. DECIDE. If it doesn’t come to pass, rest assured Life has greater more accurate plans with you - so decide, knowing full well that your decision is the point.