Balancing Hormones with Maca by Sophie Knapp, MScN, CN
Hormones are hugely important molecules in the body. They regulate numerous processes like hunger levels, urine output, blood pressure, growth and much more.
Many hormones occur at similar levels and have common actions among men and women. Sex hormones, however, diverge in terms of their types and amounts between men and women and are largely responsible for the differing manifestations of male and female physiology.* Find out how maca root can affect these hormones and potentially improve your wellbeing.

The Door of Herbalism by Kelsey Middleton, Herbalist
Our long-time on-staff Herbalist, Kelsey, is about to take her next step in deepening and expanding her plant medicine practice. As a loving goodbye, she wrote some lovely words on what the power of plants means to her to share with the community before parting.